Why join Mid-Florida SHRM?
BECOMING A MEMBER - Mid-Florida SHRM is a 100% National SHRM Chapter. Members must be part of National SHRM for chapter membership eligibility. Applications for chapter membership are available online using the JOIN page above. Annual dues for Mid-Florida SHRM are only $50.00. Memberships are held by individuals rather than by companies. Please direct any membership questions to the VP of Membership or any board member.
COME SEE FOR YOURSELF - Please join us for a monthly meeting as a guest and you will be convinced to become a member! Visit our EVENTS page (see menu bar above) for list of upcoming events. Register as a guest and we look forward to meeting you!
WHAT DOES MID-FLORIDA SHRM HAVE TO OFFER - The ever changing, ever expanding responsibilities of a human resource professional require up-to-date information on the latest HR trends, knowing how to interpret those trends, and how to apply them to best meet the needs of your individual company. One of the most valuable tools available to keep you on top of the challenging world of HR is your membership in the Mid-Florida Society for Human Resource Management.
SHRM AFFILIATION - Being a local chapter of the global SHRM organization opens yet another door to HR information nationally and worldwide. This affiliation is important to staying alert to changing human resource management issues.
MONTHLY MEETINGS - Membership meetings offer a great opportunity to meet and network with other human resource professionals from the Polk County area. Meetings generally feature a guest speaker who is an expert on topics of special interest to HR professionals. Periodically, the meeting format is a roundtable forum for discussing current issues with colleagues on the local level and how common HR problems are being solved.
CHAMBER OF COMMERCE - Mid-Florida SHRM is a member of the several local Chambers of Commerce. As a Mid-Florida SHRM Chapter member, you have access to the benefits of Chamber membership, including training and professional development opportunities, while building a larger network of business professionals.
MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY - A key resource for our chapter is the membership directory available online through our website for members only. The individual and company listings, membership certifications and current list of board of directors enhance networking opportunities.
CERTIFICATION - Being a certified HR professional has become a way to establish your credentials in the field of human resources. Mid-Florida SHRM offers guidance and resources for certification, including scholarships toward SHRM and HRCI certifications. We have a dedicated board member, the Certifications Director, who brings resources to our chapter membership. We also partner with local training institutions who offer preparation courses. Take your career to the next level and become a certified HR professional!
WEBSITE RESOURCES - As a member, the resources through the association's website, http://midflorida.shrm.org/, include access to the Members Only area. This website provides current information on emerging HR issues, the chapter’s activities, membership database, calendar of events, announcements, relevant links to a variety of resources, and the latest news on SHRM services and activities.
LEADERSHIP OPPORTUNITIES - Those members interested in taking an active role in the chapter have the added benefit of working closely with other HR professionals developing and exercising their leadership skills through a variety of volunteer positions with the chapter at whatever level they wish.